Pregnancy signs / symptom

Common & Unique pregnancy signs/symptom

Heading: According to doctors and our mums common and unique pregnancy signs symptom can be seen fro just 2-3 weeks pregnant. Though the most significant pregnancy symptom is a delayed or missed period but many women do not record their last period or menstrual cycle. So if you start to feel some of the common or unique early pregnancy symptoms below it are knocking you are pregnant.

1. Missing period: Missed period is the most significant pregnancy symptom. So when your period is started to delay you should do pregnancy test as early as possible. But Stress, diet or an irregular schedule, excessive weight loss or gain, traveling can also miss guide you.

2. Fatigue or more tired: Fatigue is often one of the first signs of pregnancy. Feeling fatigued or more tired is a pregnancy symptom which can also start as early as the first week after conception. No one knows for sure what causes early pregnancy fatigue, but it’s possible that when you become pregnant it takes lots of energy to create your developing baby as well as your own body.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

3. Morning Sickness or Nausea: This common pregnancy symptom will usually show up between 2-8 weeks after conception.It’s caused by an increase in hormone levels. Pregnancy-related nausea with or without vomiting can be a problem morning, noon, or night.

You should eating enough and avoid letting your blood sugar levels drop.But some women do not find their morning sickness. Most women feel morning sickness for most of the first trimester. Sometimes it may continue into the second trimester or even the whole pregnancy.

4. Smell Sensitivity: Many women have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy.It is one of the most common early signs that you could be pregnant.Bad smells are making you feel nauseous during pregnancy. Usually they feel food and cooking smells.As per experts sense of smell protects the baby from any harmful toxins from the beginning.Pregnancy signs / symptom

5. Urinary frequency or constipation: Frequent urination is common during pregnancy. This symptom may start as early as six weeks into your first trimester.When you’re pregnant, your uterus presses directly on the bladder leading to more frequent urination. The added pressure and intestinal changes may also cause constipation.Shortly after you become pregnant, hormonal changes prompt a chain of events that raise the rate of blood flow through your kidneys. This causes your bladder to fill more quickly, so you need to pee more often.Some women, especially those who were not planning a pregnancy, mistake this early symptom for a bladder infection.

6. Higher basal body temperature (BBT): If you chart your cycle and take your temperature, you will notice that your BBT will remain high throughout your luteal phase. A positive sign of pregnancy is an increase of about one degree that lasts for more than two weeks after the “dip” in temperature that indicates ovulation. Women who are carefully tracking their ovulation cycle in hopes of increasing the odds may take their basal body temperature daily in order to notice the “dip” in temperature that means it’s go-time. An increase of approximately one degree that lasts longer than two weeks after the “dip” is a strong signal of early pregnancy.If you’re not pregnant, your BBT will drop down and you’ll get your period as normal.

7. Breast Changes: One common pregnancy symptom is sensitive, swollen breasts caused by rising levels of hormones. It can happen as early as 1-2 weeks after conception. Women may notice changes in their breasts; they may be tender to the touch, sore, or swollen. Your nipples may feel more sensitive, bumpier and they may even look darker. Other symptoms can include breasts that feel heavy, itchy, and sore. As the pregnancy hormones increase the blood supply to the breasts, some may also experience a pricking or tingling sensation, particularly around the nipples. Some women also find that the veins are darker or more noticeable in their breasts during pregnancy. Then again, everyone is different, and some won’t feel any breast changes until later in pregnancy.

8. Darkening areolas: You may also see a difference in your areolas, the circle of skin round the nipples. Around the eight week mark, the areolas can get darker and the small bumps in this area can become more pronounced as well, due to hormonal changes in preparation for breastfeeding.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

9. Spotting: Some women notice light spotting about five to 10 days after conception.when the embryo implants in the uterus. So if you’ve had a light period this month, you might still be carrying a little bundle of joy.These symptoms may instead be “implantation bleeding,” associated with the process of the fertilized egg getting attached within the uterus. In fact it can occur in around 20% of pregnancies. Some women do not even notice implantation bleeding or cramping. Many women find the blood is darker in comparison with the bright red of a regular period, but others see no difference at all. Spotting that continues into the sixth or seventh week of pregnancy is often normal, but it is generally considered worth seeing a doctor if this is your experience, and he or she may recommend an ultrasound to be confirm a healthy pregnancy.Pregnancy signs / symptom

10. Unusual hunger or cravings: Cravings or unusual levels of hunger are widely reported early symptoms of pregnancy. Pregnant women generally need about 300 extra calories a day to support their growing babies and filling that requirement .Some women find themselves craving food they would never normally dream of eating.And then other mums-to- be suddenly find they’re ravenous and have an urgent desire to eat certain foods. This can last throughout your entire pregnancy. Some women develop aversions to certain types of food as well, and this too can last throughout your pregnancy.Some do not experience specific cravings, but are just extra hungry all day long.Some experts say that the cravings are the body’s way of asking for a specific nutrient it may be lacking.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

11. Headaches: The sudden rise of hormones in your body can cause you to have headaches early in pregnancy. However, some people have the opposite experience and actually get a little reprieve from migraines while expecting, which some experts attribute to a rising level of endorphins in preparation for extra labor.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

12. Metallic taste in your mouth: This is a very common symptom that is most noticeable in the first trimester. The rising hormone levels in your blood can reflect in your saliva. You may notice a metallic taste in your mouth, which alters the taste of foods you usually enjoy or the feeling of food in your mouth. Some women will not eat meat. While there is no scientific explanation for this symptom, it’s believed from some evidence that the body is craving vitamins and minerals it is deficient in. If you have a craving, there is nothing wrong with giving in to them. However if you are craving high fat foods or food with little nutritional value, see if you can find a substitute. If you are not yet taking high quality pregnancy multivitamins, it might be a good time to start. Speak to your naturopath to source a quality brand.

13. Vivid dreams: Vivid or weird dreams can happen in the first few weeks according to our mums. Dreams about water, swimming, gardens in bloom and fertility imagery. Sometimes their dreams more clearly in the morning.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

14. Mood swings: Many women experience emotional mood swings throughout pregnancy. Some moms-to- be experience heightened emotions, both good and bad; others feel more depressed or anxious. Increasing levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the bloodstream can produce the dramatic mood swings.

15. Heartburn: Heartburn is a very frequent pregnancy symptom. Many women -to- be experienced heartburn in their first few weeks. If you change or reduce your diet such as cutting out spicy food, citrus fruits, juices and other acid-type foods, decreasing oily food you feel better from heartburn. You can also eating smaller meals, little and often.

16. Swelling and bloating: Swelling and bloating comes later in the game but some start swelling and bloating even significantly immediately. Yes, it’s that pesky pregnancy hormone progesterone that can give you a bump before your baby does. Your tummy can fill full and swollen, especially after a meal.

17. Feeling faint or dizzy: Many women report feeling very lightheaded or dizzy during early pregnancy. Shifting hormones, combined with the heart beating faster to pump more blood through the body can cause blood pressure to gradually decrease early in pregnancy. As a result many women experience periods of dizziness or feeling lightheaded, especially when they stand up too quickly.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

18 More discharge or cervical mucus: A surge in progesterone often results in a surge of cervical mucus production. Some women may notice a little and some notice much more. In very early pregnancy, your mucus may be slippery for longer than usual and will then thicken due to the increase in progesterone. If you have experienced this you may just test positive. It’s usually a pale color, but don’t worry if you see a brownish discharge – this is also common. It’s usually harmless, but if you’re worried, you can talk with your doctor.Pregnancy signs / symptom

19. Trapped wind: In very early pregnancy trapped wind can give you a painful bloated feeling in your stomach or under your ribs. Of course, trapped wind can also become passed wind – farting and burping – which can make you feel better afterwards. These pregnancy symptoms just keep getting you better. Moreover, increased hormones have an effect on your intestines, making them more relaxed – this helps with making more space for the baby as your uterus expands. As a result you may get constipated. But there are plenty of things you can do for relief. Some constipation remedies available over the counter from your pharmacist those are safe for pregnancy.

20. Nasal Stuffiness / Colds: Nasal stuffiness is also very common in pregnancy due to the hormonal effects on the nasal passages. It can start in the first few weeks. The antibodies also take part in the growth and development of the placenta. As a result of these hormonal changes to your immune system, you are more susceptible to colds and flu.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

21. Backache: Back pain, particularly in your lower back, is a symptom even right at the beginning of pregnancy. It is common to experience a dull backache throughout pregnancy; the pain can be caused by hormones that relax ligaments in your back, which can make it ache.

Pregnancy signs / symptom

22. Pimples / Acne: In early pregnancy due to the hormonal changes you may find that even if you don’t usually get pimples or acne, you may get. You should not pick or squeeze pimples which may leave scars and/or spread bacteria. After your hormone levels stabilize it will most likely settle down fairly quickly.

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Pregnancy signs / symptom

Pregnancy signs / symptom