signs that you are pregnant

The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy can include

  • Missed period. If you’re in your childbearing years and every week or more has passed without the beginning of an expected cycle , you would possibly be pregnant. ..
  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Nausea with or without vomiting. .
  •  Increased urination.
  •  Fatigue.

signs that you are pregnant

Other pregnancy signs and symptoms

Other less obvious signs and symptoms of pregnancy that you simply might experience during the primary trimester include:

  • Moodiness. The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can cause you to unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings also are common.
  • Bloating. Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause you to feel bloated, almost like how you would possibly feel at the beginning of a menstrual period.
  • Light spotting. Sometimes a little amount of sunshine spotting is one among the primary signs of pregnancy. Known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the embryo attaches to the liner of the uterus — about 10 to 14 days after conception. Implantation bleeding occurs round the time of a menstrual period. However, not all women have it.
  • Cramping. Many may experience moderate uterine cramping early in pregnancy.
  • Constipation. Hormonal changes cause your gastrointestinal system to hamper , which may cause constipation

•  Food aversions. When you’re pregnant, you would possibly become more sensitive to certain odors and your sense of taste might change. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food preferences are often chalked up to hormonal changes.

Nasal congestion. Increasing hormone levels and blood production can cause the mucous membranes in your nose to swell, dry out and bleed easily. This might cause you to possess a stuffy or runny nose.

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Do These Symptoms Mean I’m Pregnant?

Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has an equivalent symptoms or maybe an equivalent symptoms from one pregnancy to subsequent . Also, because the first symptoms of pregnancy often mimic the symptoms you would possibly experience right before and through menstruation, you’ll not realize you’re pregnant. What follows may be a description of a number of the foremost common early symptoms of pregnancy. You should know that these symptoms could also be caused by other things besides being pregnant. So the incontrovertible fact that you notice a number of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. The only thanks to tell needless to say is with a bioassay .

more info about signs that you are pregnant

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