9 weeks pregnant symptoms


Behind you lie the first two months of pregnancy.. At 9 weeks pregnant, nausea is peaking, and you’ll be handling mood swings, heartburn, and other pregnancy symptoms. Meanwhile, your baby is growing, looking more human, and even traveling .

Your baby grows to about one inch, or about the length of an olive, during the 9th week of your pregnancy. Your baby’s skeleton starts to harden by the 9th week of pregnancy. Hardening of the bones (ossification) begins with the formation of cartilage. Her fingers, toes, knees, and elbows develop.9 weeks pregnant symptoms

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9 Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms

    • Growing waistline: Your belly at nine weeks pregnant might not have a pronounced, rounded look, but your pre-pregnancy clothes are probably feeling a touch snug thanks to a mixture of a thickening waistline and some bloating brought on by your old friends — pregnancy hormones.
    • Spotting: You may see some spotting in the first trimester; call your healthcare provider if you see any more than a few drops of blood.9 weeks pregnant symptoms
    • Mild uterine cramping: This is a time of rapid change in your body, and you may experience mild uterine cramping. If the cramping is severe, or if you feel other pain like lower back pain, call your doctor to rule out any problems.

  • Morning sickness: If you haven’t experienced morning sickness by now, you could be one of the lucky ones who will avoid this common symptom. But if you do get morning sickness, keep on eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day and remember to stay hydrated.9 weeks pregnant symptoms
  • Being hungrier: You may start to feel a bit hungrier than usual, so munch on some extra snacks, keeping in mind that you only need to add about 300 calories to your daily intake. Foods like fruit, cereal, and yogurt are great choices.
  • Food cravings and aversions: Your sense of smell is heightened now, and foods and smells you once enjoyed may now seem unpleasant. On the flipside, you may now find you crave certain foods. You can feel free to indulge any food cravings you have, as long as they seem healthy! Just make sure you’re sticking to a balanced diet. Always talk to your healthcare provider if you crave non-food things like dirt or chalk.
  • Fatigue: Thanks to an increase in your levels of the hormone progesterone during the first trimester, you may find yourself sleepier than usual. Rest as much as you can during the day, particularly if you’re having trouble sleeping at night.
  • Feeling moody: If you’re feeling on top of the world one minute and doomed the next, you can thank pregnancy hormonal changes. Speak to loved ones about how you’re feeling — it may help you feel a little better — and seek help from your healthcare provider if your mood swings are severe.

Frequent urination:Yes, those extra trips to the bathroom may still be a part of your day as your baby grows and your uterus presses against your bladder. This need to pee more often may also be caused by the increased volume of blood in your body, which makes your kidneys work overtime. Don’t drink less water, as staying hydrated is important, but try to go to the restroom before you head out the door or before you go into a long meeting. If you notice a burning sensation or pain when you pass urine, call your doctor, because this can be a sign of a urinary tract infection.9 weeks pregnant symptoms

Try any of the following to combat these symptoms:

  • Wear a maternity bra to relieve sore breasts. A sports bra may also help. Find maternity bras online.
  • Drink many water and eat high-fiber foods to combat constipation and supply fullness.
  • get up slowly, don’t skip meals, and avoid standing in situ too long to assist prevent dizziness.
  • Eat several small meals each day and avoid greasy and spicy foods to assist prevent heartburn and nausea.
  • nausea could also be eased by eating salty crackers or dry toast before getting out of bed, eating ice chips, sucking on a tart lozenge, or eating bland, easy-to-digest small meals. Here’s a variety of lozenges which will help ease nausea .
  • Avoid caffeine and take bathroom breaks as needed to cope with frequent urination.

Things to try to to in the week for a healthy pregnancy

If you aren’t receiving prenatal care already, now’s the time. It may be difficult to eat due to morning sickness, but it’s important that you try to eat protein and carbohydrate-rich foods or snacks when you can. Drink many water to remain hydrated, especially if you’re experiencing nausea with vomiting. If you smoke, stop. One of the best things you can do for your baby at this stage in your pregnancy is to eat a safe and balanced diet. Along those lines, here are some tips:9 weeks pregnant symptoms

  • Avoid eating undercooked meat, fish, or eggs. Avoid all deli meats.
  • Eat no more than two to three servings of fish weekly, and avoid swordfish, shark, tilefish, or mackerel. Also, eat no quite 12 ounces of canned, light tuna weekly, and no quite 6 ounces of tuna steak or albacore tuna.
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables before eating.
  • Keep cutting boards and dishes clean.
  • Eat four servings of dairy daily. Stop unpasteurized products of milk and milk, and soft cheeses.9 weeks pregnant symptoms
  • Drink no more than one to two caffeinated drinks per day.
  • Use artificial sweeteners carefully , up to at least one packet each day . It’s best not to use any artificial sweeteners.
  • Take a 1,000-mcg vitamin Bc supplement every day . Shop for folic acid supplements online.
  • Take DHA and EPA prenatal vitamin, as prescribed by your doctor Find prenatal vitamins containing both DHA and EPA.
  • don’t drink alcohol, since it’s going to cause birth defects.

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