4 months pregnant belly

During the fourth month of pregnancy you might feel the baby moving for the first time. These movements are called “quickening.” Physical symptoms you experienced in the first trimester will continue, and you may experience new symptoms including heartburn.4 months pregnant belly

At the top of 4 months: Baby is 6-1/2 to 7 inches long. Weight is about 6 to 7 ounces. Baby is developing reflexes, like sucking and swallowing, and should begin sucking thumb.

 Changes in your body at 4 months

If you were not showing last month, likelihood is that you’ll have a particular pregnant profile by the top of this month. Your uterus is about the size of a cabbage head, and its top lies just below your stomach button. Your appetite may start to select up this month, especially if you have been too sick to enjoy an honest meal so far . About 60 percent of your total pregnancy weight (about eleven to fifteen pounds) are going to be gained during this trimester.4 months pregnant belly

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Heartburn may start to become a persistent problem as your uterus crowds your stomach and the smooth muscles of your digestive tract remain relaxed from the hormone progesterone.

Your Baby This Month

Snoozing, stretching, swallowing, and even thumb-sucking, your baby is busy this month as she tests out her new reflexes and skills . She is losing her top-heavy look as her height starts to catch up to her head size. By the top of this month, she is going to measure about six to eight inches long and weigh approximately six ounces. Four months pregnant is an eventful time, with a potential welcome energy boost and many more exciting milestones coming up now that you’re in the second trimester of your pregnancy.

Your early pregnancy symptoms may be wearing off now, but others could be taking their place. Read on to find out more about the changes you might experience and how your little one is shaping up at around four months pregnant.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms pregnant belly at four months

While not all of them might be observed, these are some of the most common symptoms of pregnancy when you are four months pregnant:

    • Food cravings. Pickles and ice cream, anyone? Go ahead and indulge your cravings within moderation, but don’t neglect your overall balanced pregnancy diet. However, if you feel the urge to eat non-food items, like chalk, dirt, or laundry detergent, don’t give in to these cravings. Instead, consult your healthcare provider, as this could be a sign of a condition called pica.4 months pregnant belly
    • Dull or sharp abdominal pain. As your uterus grows during pregnancy, the ligaments supporting it stretch. This can cause lower abdominal pain that can feel either dull or sharp. Some moms-to-be find that changing positions helps ease round ligament pain when it strikes.
    • Sensitive teeth and gums. If your gums are swollen or if they bleed when you brush or floss, it could be gingivitis, a type of gum disease. Pregnancy hormones can make you more susceptible to gingivitis, and you may find that your gums are more sensitive than usual. To relieve some of the discomfort, brush with a soft bristled toothbrush twice a day, rinse with warm salt water as necessary, and see your dentist at your regular six-month checkup or sooner if needed.

  • Spider veins. These thin, reddish or purple-toned veins on the surface of the skin on your face or legs are a less severe version of varicose veins. Changes in circulation during pregnancy due to your increased blood volume can cause this symptom. Spider veins usually fade on their own after you give birth.
  • Stretch marks. These reddish, brown, or purplish streaks can start to appear on your belly, breasts, buttocks, or thighs as your skin stretches during pregnancy. It’s not possible to prevent them, but keeping your skin moisturized can help reduce irritation and itchiness during pregnancy. These marks often fade over time after your baby is born.
  • Nasal congestion. Is your nose feeling a little stuffed up, or are you getting the occasional nosebleed? The extra blood volume in your body and hormonal changes can cause nasal mucus membranes to swell and bleed. If this is a problem for you, make sure you’re staying hydrated, and try saline nasal drops to help relieve congestion. You can also use a humidifier in your bedroom at night and apply petroleum jelly to your nostrils.

• Painful urination. If you feel a burning sensation when you pee, you may have a urinary tract infection, or “UTI” for short. This happens when bacteria enter the urethra. Moms-to-be are more susceptible to UTIs because the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, making it more difficult to completely empty the bladder. If leftover urine contains bacteria, a UTI can develop. A UTI can become a more serious bladder or kidney infection if left untreated, so if you notice painful urination (sometimes even combined with back pain and fever), see your healthcare provider.

Your 16 weeks pregnant belly

At 16 weeks pregnant, you’ll now be at the stage where your bump clearly features a baby in there. Your weight gain which of your baby have likely picked up considerably, and you’ll both still grow.But all 16-week-old baby bumps are different-and normal. Believe it or not, at 16 weeks pregnant some women still don’t actually show, while others have pronounced bumps.4 months pregnant belly

The wide variety of baby bumps can be attributed to everything from a woman’s size and shape to whether this is her first pregnancy or her second, third or fourth. Whatever you do, don’t compare your 16 weeks pregnant belly to anyone else’s and don’t worry too much. It’s all good! If you’re still concerned, though, or have questions about how big or small you are, just talk to your doctor for some reassurance.

4 months pregnant belly


4 Month of Pregnancy Quick List

    • Your anatomy scan at 20 weeks pregnant: By 20 weeks, you’re at the halfway mark of your pregnancy, and it’s time for that all-important ultrasound. Also, read about pregnancy symptoms at 20 weeks pregnant along with expert pregnancy care tips
    • Start shopping maternity wear: while at four months of pregnancy you do not need complete maternity clothes, your jeans do start feeling a little tight. This could be an honest time to start out browsing local or online maternity stores to urge inspired about trendy maternity wear.
    • Handle hunger pangs: You might experience more intense hunger pangs than you did before; if so, try to maintain your healthy pregnancy diet. Rather than eating twice as much, follow your doctor’s recommendations and add just a little more healthy food to your diet.4 months pregnant belly

  • Take a vacation: use the energy burst of the second trimester, and the fact that your tummy is not yet so heavy, to get out of the way some bigger pregnancy preparations and take a relaxing gateway with your husband. You can also try exploring second trimester symptoms & tips to ensure the well-being of mother & baby. If this is your first baby, then this could be a great chance to spend some one-on-one time with your husband before your little one joins you.